Coaching for Change Agents and Impact Leaders

Navigating the Path of Transformation through Heart-Centered Leadership

Creating sustainable change in the tide of today’s challenges requires integrating fresh leadership models beyond traditional hierarchical systems. Prominent movements have identified new standards for future leaders – a high degree of emotional intelligence, compassion, empathy, adaptability, authenticity, and collaboration, among others.

I refer to this EQ or “inner wisdom” as Heart-Centered Leadership. Once considered “soft skills” in the workplace, EQ is now an essential quality. On an organizational level, leaders and change agents are expected to create healthy eco-systems that nurture those in their care to thrive. 

Heart-Centered Leadership Development

Learn to lead with heart-centered training and:

  • Understand heart-centered “inner wisdom” and naturally be able to access it directly and effortlessly

  • Recognize and experience the many benefits of heart-mind alignment, such as peace, calmness, relaxation, lightness, enjoyment, and gratitude

  • Become trained as Heart-Centered System Leader

  • Learn practical applications and tools to organically enhance personal and organizational health and increase motivation, innovation and productivity

“The love and heart that Derick brings to the community make a difference for me when I attend… Derick embodies heart-centered

— James Jackman

Supporting the Journey of Change

Overcoming Shared Challenges through Customized Solutions

Regardless of experience level or the initiative at hand, change agents and impact leaders face shared internal and external challenges. While these transformational hurdles can’t be avoided – as they are inherent in the process itself – they can be navigated. 

Whether working within a system or outside of it, implementing change not only takes commitment, creativity and inspiration, but risk taking, pushing boundaries, exceeding personal limits, and thinking that embraces both the past and the future. This process can bring feelings of fear, frustration, loneliness and isolation as well as the pressures of organizational politics and working at or beyond the edge of a network’s comfort zone. Additionally, shifting to a self-organized structure and managing others within this community also brings unique challenges. Receiving specialized support is critical for success. 

Customized Transformational Coaching

Supporting leaders and change agents throughout their journey,
from the discomfort to the bliss that comes from changing from
deep within, I collaboratively coach clients to:

  • Transcend self-imposed limitations, unlearn self-defeating
    habits, and discard unproductive patterns

  • Discover innovative solutions and new ways of being

  • Reorient and thrive in fresh operational configurations, such as circles and self-governance where shared purpose and relationships are prioritized

  • Nurture physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being as well as introduce a heart-centered approach

“I am always touched by Derick’s grace as we have navigated some challenging discussions in the Human Workplace Community. Thank you for your many contributions to this group and to me personally. Your heart centered leadership is palpable.”

— Gina Lavery

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.”

— Steve Jobs